For the upgrades inside Performance tab you can setup a multiplier per level based in the vehicle price.
The vehicle price can be fetched from anywhere, by default only QBCore.Shared.Vehicles, AV Dealership and AV Vehicleshop are supported but you can modify the function in client/framework/vehprice.lua
local av_dealership =false-- set true to retrieve the veh price from av_dealershiplocal av_vehicleshop =false-- set true to retrieve the veh price from av_vehicleshopvehiclePrice =0-- Do your own check to retrieve the vehicle price here:functiongetVehiclePrice(vehicle) vehiclePrice =0local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(vehicle)) model =string.lower(model)if Config.Framework =="QBCore" andnot (av_dealership or av_vehicleshop) thenif QBCore.Shared.Vehicles and QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[model] then vehiclePrice = QBCore.Shared.Vehicles[model]['price']returnelseprint("Vehicle "..model.." doesn't exist in QBCore.Shared.Vehicles, this is NOT a script problem.")endendif av_dealership then vehiclePrice = exports['av_dealership']:getPrice(model)returnendif av_vehicleshop then vehiclePrice = lib.callback.await("av_tuning:getPrice", false, model)endend