OX Inventory
Go to ox_inventory/modules/items/server.lua and paste the following code just before the last line return Items
Should look something like this:
Item Consumption
ox_inventory supports item durability and has the ability to remove a % from this durability every time the item is used, when durability reaches 0 it removes the item.
If you wanna take advantage from this feature while using av_business, you need to modify the consumeTypes table from the previous code and define a default consume value for every item type you have in av_business, example:
Modify the values based on how much durability u wanna remove from item on use, 1 = 100% meaning item will be removed on first use / 0 will make the item permanent.
The following guide is only for people who have been using av_business before this consumption update (Oct 22nd), ignore it if you are just installing av_business for the first time.
Updating existing items
This little guide is to apply the consume field to your existing items created by av_business before this update.
Make sure you remove the old code snippet from your ox_inventory/modules/items/server.lua and replace it with the one at the top of this page.
Delete all the items created by av_business in your ox_inventory/data/items.lua. Please be careful, as deleting the wrong lines can break your ox_inventory.
Restart your server, wait 1 minute and restart it again, use the script and items as usual.
Last updated