Edit Profile

  • You can change your profile name, picture and strain name by clicking the edit icon on the top left of the APP.

  • Duplicated strains are not allowed, you will receive a warning message if the strain name already exists.

  • The same strain name is used for all your drugs.

My Tables

  • Here you can find a list of all your placed tables.

  • The progress circle represents the cooking progress, if table is cooking and progress is 100% means the table product is almost ready (100% = will be ready in 1 minute or less)

  • You can also see the highest purity got on that table and the last cook.

  • Set GPS button will set a waypoint to your table location.

  • If the table is removed from the world all table stats will be reset (highest purity and last cook).


  • Here you can buy some items for drugs, the list of available items can be found in server/editable/_market.lua make sure to read all config fields to avoid any mistake.

  • Every item can have its own currency.

  • After buying an item, the player will get a random location for pickup on their map.

  • Player items are saved server side and if there's a restart or disconnection they can join back and pick up their items from any of the delivery locations, you can remove/add locations in config/_market.lua


  • On the left panel you can see a list of all the drugs you have cook, your current cooking level for that specific drug, bags sold from that drug, generated income result of selling that drug and strain.

  • On the right side you can find an interactive map where you can see Los Santos divided by zones and when you hover on every colored section you can see the popular drug and strain.

  • Zone color changes depending on the popular drug.

  • Most popular drug is defined by the amount of bags sold from the same strain.

  • The red dot is my lab location and the blue one is me.

  • You can set a waypoint to your lab if you click the red dot.

  • Bags sold and Generated are based on your strain and not your character, meaning that no matters who sells the bags, the "sold" and "generated" will be added to your strain stats.

  • If you change your strain name all your "income" and "bags sold" progress will be reset, your drug XP will remain the same.

Last updated