
The following files are related to tables and are fully customizable:

  • config/_tables.lua: Global options for tables like progressbar time, animations, render distance, etc.

  • client/editable/tables.lua: Here you can find a function named canPlace() where you can do your own check and prevent a player from placing a table (ex: if is inside a house add your housing export and return true/false), the startCooking event is triggered when the player interacts with table (check client/editable/target.lua)

Server Config

  • All Tables config like items, models, ingredients, cooking time, etc are located inside server/editable/_tables.lua

  • All config fields have comments that explains how every config works, make sure to read it and if you have any question please ask in Discord Support channel, please avoid opening a ticket, this way if someone else have the same question he can use the Search function and find the answer.

You can find a more detailed explanation on how tables works in server/editable/_tables.lua, I don't put it here to prevent any type of MG from your players.

Last updated