For ox_inventory we don't need to add/modify anything.
Go to qb-inventory/server/functions.lua and add the following export right after function InitializeInventory()
exports('registerInventory', InitializeInventory)
Should look something like this:
Go to qb-inventory/server/main.lua and add the following code in line 482 inside the 'qb-inventory:server:SetInventoryData'
if toInventory:find('itemsrefund') then return end
Should look something like this:
Go to qs-inventory/server/custom/misc/SetInventoryData.lua add the following code inside the SetInventoryData
if string.match(toInventory, "stash%-itemsrefund") then
Should look something like this:
Go to codem-inventory/html/app.js search the following text (this.rightInventoryData.stashId)
Add this snippet right below that line:
if (this.rightInventoryData.stashId.includes("itemsrefund")) return;
Should look something like this: