Admin Panel

The script includes a basic admin panel where you can see all Labs, Tables, Players and Zones info.

  • To open this panel you need the admin permissions, check server/editable/_admin.lua for the command used and the admin level needed.


  • Here you can search a table by using the table identifier or retrieve all tables close to you, you can check the table info like owner, last cook, table type, highest purity, etc.

  • You can TP to table by double click in Exact Coords.

  • If you choose to delete a table it will be removed from server and the object deleted for everyone. Table stash will be lost too.


  • Similar to tables, you can find a lab by using the lab identifier or the closest to you.

  • You can see some info about the lab and TP to the entrance.

  • If you choose to delete a lab all people who are inside will be teleported to the exit and everything from lab like XP, stashes, etc will be deleted.


  • Here you can search a player by using his identifier, player ID or get the closest player to you.

  • You can see his owned tables, labs and drugs XP.

  • If you choose Wipe Player he will lose all tables, labs and the drugs XP will be reset.


  • Here you can see all zones from the interactive map (the one from the Progression tab in the APP) and the popular strains/drugs.

  • If you choose to reset a zone it will delete all drugs and strains that has been sold in there and remove all NPC addicts from the zone.

Last updated