This is a little guide on how to connect AV Business with a banking script, for this guide we will be using Renewed Banking but works exactly the same with any other banking script that supports exports for add/remove society money.
Society exports can be found in av_laptop/server/editable/exports.lua
Get Society Funds
This export returns the current funds from society, replace the function with your banking export like this:
-- Returns society money or false
function getSociety(name)
if not name then print('[ERROR] Function getSociety received NULL as argument') return end
return exports['Renewed-Banking']:getAccountMoney(name) -- EXAMPLE with RB
Add Society Funds
This export adds funds for society and will add logs for Business APP > Bank tab
function addSociety(src, job, amount, name, description)
if avBusiness then -- Optional but highly recommended to keep it
--This export adds the log for Bank tab + add income for monthly goal
exports['av_business']:addMoney(name, job, amount, description)
if GetInvokingResource() ~= "av_business" then
-- This export adds the transaction for Today's Overview chart
-- You can add your banking exports here:
exports['Renewed-Banking']:addAccountMoney(job,amount) -- EXAMPLE with RB
Remove Society Funds
This export removes society funds.
function removeSociety(src, job, amount, name, description)
if avBusiness then
-- Add logs for Bank tab in Business APP
exports['av_business']:removeMoney(name, job, amount, description)
exports['Renewed-Banking']:removeAccountMoney(job,amount) -- EXAMPLE with RB