
  • Make sure to install and configure av_laptop first. Laptop v3

  • Please read the entire config files, every config field is explained.

  • Run the file import_first.sql on your database. > If updating from av_restaurants don't worry, all data will remain the same but some fields will be added + av_restaurants table will be renamed to av_business. > I'll suggest you to do a backup first of av_restaurants and av_items tables just in case, if you encounter any problem let me know so I can help you fix it ASAP.

  • If using filezille or any other FTP software, verify the .json files where uploaded correctly.

  • Translate: If you want to translate the script modify the config/_lang.lua To translate the UI go to ui/dist/lang.json be extremely careful with this file or you can break the entire UI.

  • If not using ESX/QBCore or the official versions read Custom Framework/Inventory

IMPORTANT: If you are switching from AV Restaurants to this script, make sure to delete the changes previously made to the inventory and Framework from the inventory section: Installation Follow the guides from this script for your current inventory, even when they might look similar to the ones from av restaurants they are not, don't skip it.

Last updated