Sharing a Playlist gives permission to the other player to add/remove songs or completely delete the Playlist for everyone who has access to it.
In the navbar click the "+" icon to open the menu and select Create Playlist.
In the new window you can set the Playlist name, cover image and description. Please avoid using Discord or Imgur links because Fivem don't support it anymore.
You can now start to search music and add it to your Playlist by clicking the Playlist button in any song and selecting the Playlist where to add it.
Your Playlist will look now something like this:
You have to open the playlist and do a double click in the Remove Icon
Playlists are handled using codes, you can share your Playlist by copying the code and send it to your friend.
Right click on the Playlist you want to share and click in Share option
A code will be added to your clipboard, this code can be used by your friend to import the playlist in their APP
Every playlist has their unique code, any person with the code can import the playlist and interact with it.
This is your personal playlist with all your favorite songs, this can't be shared to anyone and you can add/remove your songs by clicking the heart icon.