Vehicle Cameras

In order to make vehicle cameras detect when a vehicle is available, you need to add the following exports to your garage script, otherwise the camera APP won't be able to fetch online vehicles.

Trigger the following export when a vehicle is taken out from the garage, house, depot... basically when the vehicle is spawned to the player:


This is an example for the export triggered from qb-garages:

RegisterNetEvent('qb-garages:client:takeOutGarage', function(data)
    QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-garages:server:IsSpawnOk', function(spawn)
        if spawn then
            local location = GetSpawnPoint(data.garage)
            if not location then return end
            QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('qb-garages:server:spawnvehicle', function(netId, properties, vehPlate)
                while not NetworkDoesNetworkIdExist(netId) do Wait(10) end
                local veh = NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId(netId)
                Citizen.Await(CheckPlate(veh, vehPlate))
                QBCore.Functions.SetVehicleProperties(veh, properties)
                TriggerServerEvent('qb-garages:server:updateVehicleState', 0, vehPlate)
                TriggerEvent('vehiclekeys:client:SetOwner', vehPlate)
                if Config.Warp then TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1) end
                if Config.VisuallyDamageCars then doCarDamage(veh, data.stats, properties) end
                SetVehicleEngineOn(veh, true, true, false)
                exports['av_cameras']:vehicleOut(veh) -- Trigger the export and send the entity
            end, data.plate, data.vehicle, location, true)
            QBCore.Functions.Notify(Lang:t('error.not_depot'), 'error', 5000)
    end, data.plate, data.type)

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