
The following events are triggered after specific exports are triggered, here's a list of all events and the exports that triggers it.

What's resource:?

  • resource is the name of the resource to which the group belongs. In other words, if your resource is called "av_boosting", then the event name will be "av_boosting:groupDeleted", for example.


This client event is triggered when the export deleteGroup() wipes a group, it is triggered to every member of the group, the event doesn't contain any parameter.

RegisterNetEvent("av_boosting:groupDeleted", function()
    print("oops your group got deleted")


This client event is triggered only if one of the following exports are successful:

  • createGroups(): If the group is created, the script will update all players in server.

  • removeMember(): If a member is removed from a group, this will update the removed player and all members from the same group.

  • leaveGroup(): If a member leaves a group it will update the group members only, BUT if the group doesn't have any members left it will update all players in server.

-- The event receives all existing groups that belong to that resource
RegisterNetEvent("av_boosting:updateGroups", function(allGroups)
    print(json.encode(allGroups, {indent = true}))


This is a server event and it gets triggered after one of the following exports are successful:

  • removeMember(): If member is removed from a group.

  • leaveGroup(): If a member leaves a group.

  • deleteGroup(): When a group is deleted.

RegisterServerEvent("av_boosting:leaveGroup", function(identifier)
    local playerSource = exports['av_laptop']:getSourceByIdentifier(identifier)
    if playerSource then
        -- Trigger something to client if you want (or not)

Last updated