
All labs can be raided, by default only players with the police job and a specific item can do this.

For a property to be raided it needs to be locked and the function canRaid() has to return true.


This function can be found in client/editable/raid.lua and here you can modify the item needed for raid, the needed jobs or remove everything and add your own check inside the function, make sure to return true or false.


  • The minigame used for this is av_alphabet, you can replace it in client/editable/raid.lua > minigame()

  • The function minigame receives the lab level (1, 2 or 3) so you can use this to set a higher difficulty for the minigame.

  • All minigame settings can be found in config/_labs.lua > Config.DefaultSecurity (for labs level 0) and Config.Upgrades > ['security'] (from 1 to 3).

  • Once a lab gets raided, the door will be unlocked so everyone will be able to access it.

  • While inside, the player who hacked the door will be able to interact with the PC and a new option will be shown in the top right corner of the panel.


You can choose what happens with labs after being seized, go to config/_labs.lua > Config.DaysRaided, here you can choose one of the following options:

  • true: This will completely delete the lab in the next server restart.

  • false: The lab will be marked as seized and will become useable again in the next server restart.

  • number: Number of days the lab will remain seized, after X days the lab can be turned on again and work as usual.

Last updated