


  • A compatible Framework like ESX, QBCore or Qbox.

  • For custom Frameworks make sure to edit the files config/_framework.lua, client/editable/framework.lua and server/editable/framework.lua

  • A compatible inventory like the ones listed in config/_framework.lua

  • For custom Inventories make sure to edit the files config/_framework.lua, client/editable/_inventory.lua and server/editable/_framework.lua


  • Make sure to import the database.sql file into your database.


  • Add your Discord Webhooks for logs:

    • server/editable/tebex.lua: sends a log when a player buys a package from your Tebex Store and redeem it in game.

    • server/editable/webhook.lua: sends a log when a player buys a product from your in game store.


  • You can translate the script in config/_lang.lua and ui/public/lang.json

  • To change the server logo replace the logo.png in ui/public folder.

  • You can change the server name in ui/public/lang.json > server_name

  • UI source code is included, is on you to make the design changes you want and build the UI, if you don't know what React is, hire a dev from Fiverr or other platforms.

  • There's some default packages and functions in the script, please be aware that all this are just EXAMPLES and doesn't mean they will work with your server, is on you to check every category files and edit the code to fit your server. Read Categories

Framework and Inventory functions are only used for actions like buying a car from the shop, buying a business, adding items and/or money to players. It's not needed for the VIP part of the script and nothing Framework/Inventory related is behind escrow, everything is in the editable folders.

Last updated