
The script only includes a dummy mission used for testing where you can see the code to learn how it works.

  • Missions config is located in server/editable/missions.lua to prevent any player from dumping the files and see the info.

  • Config.Missions is the table with all available missions, the one included is just a test mission that only triggers the server event 'av_gangs:testmission' and nothing else.

Adding Missions

  • Use the following export server side to add a new mission:

local mission = {
    name = "fleecaRobbery", -- an identifier
    label = "Fleeca Robbery", -- shown in app as mission title
    price = 15000, -- number or false
    difficulty = 3, -- from 0 to 5
    level = 0, -- min gang level required
    image = "https://r2.fivemanage.com/QmVAYSlqeAlD4IxVbdvu5/laundromat.png",
    description = "Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repudiandae fugiat aspernatur illo enim odio id nam qui ad minus quis.",
    event = "fleeca_heist:start", -- server event to trigger
    started = false
  • In the previous example, the event fleeca_heist:start is a server event on your heist script and is on you to handle all the needed checks to start it, all events will receive a table with the mission as argument, is the exact same table that you registered and you can use it to verify if the player has changed something client side with NUI Tools, you can find an example for this in line 36.

  • After all the checks, if the heist is started change it to started on the gangs app so other people won't be able to start it, trigger the following event:

-- "fleecaRobbery" is the mission name
-- true/false is the current state for the mission
TriggerEvent('av_gangs:updateMission', "fleecaRobbery", true)

Last updated