
All the exports listed here are server side and should be triggered from your own resource, this will NOT work if av_laptop is not installed and running in your server.


Create a new group and assign the player as owner.


  • playerId number: The player id server from the person who's creating it and will be designed as owner.

  • resource string: The resource name that is triggering the export, if not provided it will return false and cancel the process.

  • maxMembers? number: The max members allowed for the group, default is 10.

  • name? string: The group name, if not defined it will use the group identifier as name.

  • password? string: The group password in case you want to make it private, optional.

  • status? string: The current group status, "N/A" if not provided.

  • ownerName? string: The owner nickname used for the group, if not provided it will use his character name or "User-" with a random number.


  • identifier false | string: If there's any problem while group creation it will return false, if the group was created it will return the group identifier as string.

local playerId = source
local resource = "av_boosting"
local maxMembers = 5
local name = "AV Scripts"
local password = false
local status = "Waiting"
local ownerName = "Avilchiis"
local identifier = exports['av_groups']:createGroup(playerId, resource, name, password, status, ownerName)
if identifier then
    print("Group created, identifier:"..identifier)
    print("Something went wrong, group couldn't be created")


Get all the groups from an existing resource.


  • resource string: Resource name you want to get a list of groups.


  • groups table

local boostingGroups = exports['av_groups']:getGroups("av_boosting")
print(json.encode(boostingGroups, {indent = true}))
-- it will print an empty table if there's no groups or something like this:
    boostingGroups = {
        ["group_identifier"] = {
            maxMembers: number,
            identifier: string,
            owner: string,
            label: string,
            password: string or false,
            status: string,
            members: {
                    name: string,
                    identifier: string,
                    playerId: string




  • playerId number: The server id from the player who's joining the group.

  • resource string: Resource name where the group belongs.

  • group string: Group identifier.

  • password? string: User password input, will be compared to group password.

  • nickname? string: The name used for player in the group.


  • result boolean: Returns true if player was able to join the group or false.

local playerId = source
local resource = "av_boosting"
local group = "group_identifier"
local password = "123"
local nickName = "Avilchiis"
local joined = exports['av_groups']:joinGroup(playerId, resoource, group, password, nickName)
if joined then
    print("Player joined the boosting group")
    print("Something went wrong...")

leaveGroup(playerId, resource, group)


  • playerId number: The server id from the player who's leaving the group.

  • resource string: The resource name where the group belongs.

  • group string: The group identifier.


  • result boolean: Returns true if player was removed from any group or false.

local playerId = source
local resource = "av_boosting"
local group = "group_identifier"
local res = exports['av_groups']:leaveGroup(playerId, resource, group)
if res then
    print("Player was removed from group")
    print("Something went wrong...")

getPlayerGroup(playerId, resource)

Returns a table with the current group info.


  • playerId number: The server id from player.

  • resource string: The resource name where the group belongs to.


  • result boolean | table: If a group is found it will return a table with all group info, if not then it will return false.

local playerId = source
local resource = "av_boosting"
local group = exports['av_groups']:getPlayerGroup(playerId, resource)
if group then
    print(json.encode(group, {indent = true}))
    --[[ this will print something like this:
            identifier: string,
            maxMembers: number,
            owner: string,
            label: string,
            password: string or false,
            status: string,
            members: {
                    name: string,
                    identifier: string,
                    playerId: number,
    print("Player isn't part of any group")

removeMember(resource, identifier, group)

Removes the player from a group.


  • resource string: The resource name the group belongs to.

  • identifier string: The player identifier

  • group string: The group identifier


  • removed boolean

local resource = "av_boosting"
local identifier = exports['av_laptop']:getIdentifier(source)
local group = "group_identifier"
local removed = exports['av_group']:removeMember(resource, identifier, group)
if removed then
    print("Player removed from group")
    print("Something went wrong...")

deleteGroup(resource, group)


  • resource string: The resource name the group belongs to.

  • group string: The group identifier.


  • deleted boolean

local resource = "av_boosting"
local group = "group_identifier"
local deleted = exports['av_groups']:deleteGroup(resource, group)


Sets the current status for the group, this is just in case you want to display a status in your own UI like "Waiting", "In progres", etc.


  • resource string: The resource name the group belongs to.

  • group string: The group identifier.

  • status string: The status to display.


  • updated boolean

local resource = "av_boosting"
local group = "group_identifier"
local status = "Working"
local updated = exports['av_groups']:setGroupState(resource, group, status)
if updated then
    print("Group status got updated")
    print("Something went wrong")

Last updated