
Every X minutes the server generates random contracts (config/auctions.lua), this contracts are available for all dealerships but only those who have the permission to sell the auctioned vehicle can place a bid.

Note: The server won't create any auction if there's no vehicles available, use the admin panel to enable the "available for auction" option on every vehicle you want to make available in the auctions system.

a) You can filter the auctions by category.

b) Search by vehicle name.

c) Auction card:

  • Ending time: Time left for auction, the system will close new bids if the time is <= 30 seconds.

  • Label and category: The vehicle label and category.

  • Vehicle info: Some specs from the vehicle.

  • Current Bid: This value is updated when someone places a new bid.

  • Place Bid: This button lets you place a bid for the current auction.

Note: The place bid button will be disabled if the vehicle is not allowed to be sold in that dealership, all dealerships will be able to see the current auctions but they can only bid on vehicles they are allowed to sell. If you add an auctioned vehicle to a dealership, this won't enable the button, the system reads and stores the allowed dealerships when the auction is generated.

Auction Winner

Once the auction ends and there's a winner, the server will generate a new contract for the dealership that placed the highest bid. Please read orders section for more info.

Last updated