Create a Dealership
1) Click in Create Dealership button.
2) The dealership creator will show up.
Dealership Name: The dealership name, everyone will see this in map when the blips is active.
Authorized Job: The linked job to this dealership, needed to interact with the management menu, etc.
Blip Sprite: Here you can find a list of available blips.
Blip Color: Here you can find a list of available colors.
Starting Funds: The available funds in dealership, used to buy stock, place bids in auctions, etc.
Owner: The player ID of the player you want to own this dealership.
Buy/Sell pre owned vehicles: Allow the dealership to buy players vehicles and resell them.
Showroom Location: Locations to display demo vehicles.
Management Location: Where the dealership can be managed, this locations is also used for Blip so make sure the management location is inside the dealership.
Customers Zone: Interaction points where the customers can see the dealership catalogue so they don't have to ask if they have X vehicle, they can directly see all the catalogue from this zone. Note: Customers won't be able to buy vehicles directly from this zone, they still need the dealership employee to sell them the vehicle.
Truck Spawn: The spawn location for the truck, used to complete the vehicle contracts when you buy stock.
Test Vehicle: Where the demo vehicle spawns after you select the Test Drive option in Warehouse tab.
Toggle Menu: Press Z to enable character movement, press it again to enable the UI.
In some zones like showroom, truck and test vehicle you will have to place a vehicle in the zone where you want the coords to setup. Simply use the mouse to place the vehicle and the arrow keys to rotate it, press E to confirm or H to cancel.
In zones like Customers and Management you will see a blue marker, make sure to place it in the zone where you want the menu to be, please note the marker will be green when colliding to an object to confirm you can place the zone there.
Once you press the E key the marker will now become a red box to generate the target zone, make sure the zone collides with objects otherwise your target system won't be able to detect it. Don't worry if the zone is not detected by your target system, you can edit the dealership zones anytime you want. Now simply hit Enter to confirm the zone.
When you finish to add all the zones you want, click the box to confirm everything is setup correctly and hit the Confirm button.
Back in the admin menu you will find your new dealership with some options
Edit Dealership: Here you can edit the dealership label, funds, owner, linked job and the option to buy/sell other players vehicles.
Edit Zones: You can add/remove the dealership zones (management, test, truck, customers and showroom zones)
Delete Dealership: This will remove all the dealership funds, zones and vehicle stock. You won't be able to recover it.
Last updated