cs-hall integration

  • You can add the songs from the App to the cs-hall queue, of course cs-hall is needed for this function to work and is not included with av_music or laptop pack, you can buy it here: CS-Hall.

  • You will need to add the following snippet:


fetch(`https://av_laptop/cs-hall`, {
  method: "POST",
  body: JSON.stringify({
    data: e.data,
  • It should look something like this:

  • Now you can to your av_music/config/_config.lua and edit the Config.MusicZones, the key index should match the one from cs-hall, here's an example:

  • The music zone needs to be linked to a hotspot, you can check how to create one here: hotspots.

  • Once the player is inside a cs-hall zone and connected to the respective hotspot, it can click the Connect button in Music APP and the button will turn green:

  • A new icon will shown in the Laptop APP where you can open the queue, all the songs that you add to the queue will be played at the cs-hall location:

Last updated