Create Zones

  • If you want to create a new zone open the admin pane and click the New Zone button.

  • A new menu will pop up, choose the distance for interaction, the job linked to that zone and the zone type.

  • Zone Types are defined in Config/events.lua > Config.Events

  • Once you click confirm a blue circle will show in front of you, place it where you want the zone to be generated, if the circle turns green means the zone is ok.

  • Press E to confirm, a red box will show now, use your arrow keys to adjust it size, hold shift + arrow keys to rotate or adjust height, press Enter to confirm.

  • IMPORTANT: Inside the red box there must be an object, this is because target systems won't work if there's no object inside the red box, if u create the red box in the air the target system will not work because there's no object colliding, make sure there's always an object inside the zone.

  • Use your target system to test it, in this example I set a tray system which is NOT job restricted, if the zone is job restricted then only the player with the job can access it.

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